The Season

Special time of year.

Season of goodwill.

Are just a couple of the terms which might be used to describe the lead up to Christmas. Advertisements portray images of families and friends, gathered in harmonious get-togethers with plentiful food, festive music, sparkling decorations, and presents for all. The reality for many is, of course, very different. Perhaps in time, advertisements will adapt to reflect the reality of modern life, with all its diversity, challenges, and unpredictability.

Whatever your path, and your situation, I do wish you most sincerely all the best for the season and the winter months ahead. Particular thanks and respect to readers whose occupations mean they continue working to keep us safe. And to people who give their energy to support those in extra need over Christmas. I hope you find time for your own restoration and relaxation.

As always, if you need to speak to somebody, please reach out. It’s not always easy to ask for help, but it’s so important to talk. If you feel unable to speak to family or friends, a good first point of contact is the Samaritans. Their freephone number is 116 123, and there are people on hand every hour of every day of the year to offer support.