Time to Change

‘Time to Change’, a short statement which can have many meanings. For this post though, I am talking about the Time to Change organisation. Time to Change is a social movement. A large body of people who work together to address specific social issues. Time to Change is changing the way people think about and act towards mental health illnesses.

Time to Change, Emma Lord

The Time to Change movement counts thousands of people among its number. Many are Time to Change Champions; volunteers with lived experience of mental health illness. The Champions work within their local communities to change attitudes. Schools and businesses are also involved. They help share information about how to support people with mental health illness, and encourage people to talk. There are many more who campaign online, raising awareness by starting conversations and sharing information. The main aims are to change the way people think about mental health, and to change behaviour towards people experiencing mental health issues. It is also very important to encourage people to talk, and help them identify where they can go for help.

Earlier this year, a network of 18 new Time to Change Hubs was announced. The Hubs are tasked with tackling mental health stigma and discrimination at a local level. Comprising members including charities, and local businesses, the Hubs are part of a three-year plan of campaigns across England. One of these hubs is Swindon. Receiving ‘light touch’ support, the Swindon Hub’s roles include identifying and raising awareness of any specific local issues. The Hub will also work towards nurturing an environment in which people have a better understanding of mental health illness.

My days are already busy with parenting, voluntary roles, not to mention maintaining a steady output of photography work. Having been a Time to Change Champion for a few years though, I believe this is a very important movement. I have therefore volunteered to be lead Champion in coordinating the efforts of the Swindon Hub. Working with the local authority, charities, businesses, and other local Champions, I’m excited about where we could take the Hub. It’s a big project, and if you’d like to find out more, please get in touch. The first international awareness day we are involved in is World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September. More on that in a future post.

All images in this post are from the Time to Change organisation.