30 Days Wild

30 Days Wild is an annual challenge run by the Wildlife Trusts. For every day in June, participants are invited to do something to connect with the natural world. This year’s challenge is almost upon us, and although we are still in a state of lockdown, I will be trying to do something wild with our son every day. 

The recent weather has certainly made it easier to animal watch; the warmth tends to encourage garden visitors. Recent guests to our patch include rosemary beetles and various bees. Slightly further afield, at a local lake, I can spend hours watching the birds. This is the season when many of them have broods, which they are working hard to raise.

One of the younger residents at a local lake

This year’s 30 Days Wild event resources are online, and there are a range of downloadable materials here: 
Ideas to try with children include completing an A-Z of nature, designing a new species of bird, and finding things in nature which are different colours of the rainbow.

Red-Eyed Damsel Fly

The University of Derby has undertaken a five year review into the benefits of 30 Days Wild. By analysing data provided by participants, researchers have assessed the impact that taking part in the challenge has on people. 

Key findings are that 30 Days Wild:

  • resulted in very significant increases in nature connectedness for those who began with a weak connection to nature – their nature connectedness rose by 56%
  • boosted the health of participants by an average of 30%
  • made people, particularly those who started with a relatively weak connection to nature, significantly happier
  • inspired significant increases in pro-nature behaviour

You can read the full report here: https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/30-days-wild-5-year-review

Whether you spot insects and other bugs, sketch wild flowers, or just spend time appreciating the fresh air and sounds of nature, I hope you can participate in some – or perhaps all – of 30 Days Wild.

Sign up here: https://action.wildlifetrusts.org/page/57739/petition/1