
It’s time to stop thinking, and make some decisions. My work is important to me, but family more so. Becoming a mother has refocussed my attention; I don’t want to stop working, but I do want to be the best mother that I can be.

Our son is very easy to care for; he doesn’t whinge, he sleeps well, and he enjoys the daytime activities we do together. However, juggling motherhood and work is harder than I’d anticipated. Running my own business means I don’t have formal maternity leave. I’d planned to return to work after a couple of months or so, but realistically, this will have to wait a bit longer. I thought I could be a mother by day, and photographer in the evenings or at weekends. But my son depends on me for feeding, and isn’t keen on taking a bottle. So for now, I’m tied. I’m actually very happy with this arrangement as I love every minute together. Even when he sleeps.

It is difficult to run the business though, keeping things fresh and not giving the impression that Emma Lord Photography is completely dormant. Sitting at home thinking about my business doesn’t bring any funds into the family; it’s time to make some decisions about how to go forwards.Baby, music, photography, business, decisionsListening to music together

After much deliberation, I have decided that the studio has to go. It has been wonderful having a creative working space, but I don’t think I will be taking bookings for a while. Photographers can book local studios by the hour, including places which allow animals on the premises. For work which can’t be done at a customer’s home, or outside, these studios will be fine.Dogs, studio, photography, business, decisionsThe dogs making themselves at home in the studio

It will be a real wrench leaving, setting the studio up was truly a labour of love. It makes sense though. The business develops as life changes, and more of what I do will move online. Photography as an art form evolves over time, and my own work is also evolving. The next decisions will be what to focus on going forwards….